Saturday, 25 January 2014

Just like taking a bath, we need reminders everyday.

Some of the things i have gained this week.

1) In Islam, the brotherhood transcends spatial dimension as it is obligatory to believe that the djinns and humans were created to worship The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. The djinns are blessed with great strength compared to us but we are blessed with great intellect and thus we are superior. Just like humans, some of them believe and are dedicated to the Message of Oneness of God but some are not. It is not in our responsibility to communicate with them and convey them the Message. However, there are something that we need to take care for them. The foods of the believing djinns. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him once said that to perform istinjak, (cleaning your pubic parts after excretion purpose) use water or something with rough texture until you are fully clean but never use bones to do it. This is because bones are the food of the believing djinns while the unbelieving ones eat anything filthy. And another food for the believing djinns is a food eaten in the name of Allah or the Basmallah. So dont let them die in hunger okay?

2) I heard in IKIM fm a very gentle voice of an Ustaz but i didnt get his name. He said that many of us have created a not-so-good habit in ourselves when we perform the ablution. While we are supposed to avoid wasting, it is as if we are unconciously promoting it. For example, he said that, we dont need a handful amount of water to wash our face during the ablution while keeping the tap running wastefully. A little water on your one hand and the other hand to close the tap soon afterwards is sufficient enough. And then spread the water on your face with both of your hands. It will be better. Same goes to every process of the ablution. Together we can make change of this habit.

3) Let us talk about business for a while. Although it seems that i am not in a right place to that about this. But yeah, whatever. The only difference between our ideas and the ideas of the entrepreneurs is that they take their ideas into action. They are brave enough to make it happen and take all the risks of failing. The future may be blurry for them, but whatever it is, follow your guts and intuition because somehow they know what you need to do in life. Your attitude makes all the difference. 

4) Being selfless or putting others before you doesnt mean that you give in everything to others and left nothing to yourself. Being selfless is about being self sufficient and become free of need of anything. It is true that once Saidina Abu Bakr, among the first people to accept Islam, gave everything in his possession for this religion. However, the context of his action must be understood first. He was a merchant, a business man who was capable of keeping his financial flow running and stable. So dont burden yourself so much because it may cause a fitnah to this beautiful way of life. People who dont understand may misintepret and say, "that muslim guy over there always asking for money and never work for himself, you know. Is that how Islam teaches them to be?" The answer is no. We must do something in life and try to avoid asking. But if we truly need to, the Mercy of God is always there for you.

5) If a problem comes to you and it is against your conventional wisdom or the status quo, the best thing is to solve it by discussion. Discussion brings means of understanding between parties involved, including their objectives, pros and cons, methodologies and system of organization. Do not find things that differ us, find a common understanding. Voice out like the wise.

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