Monday, 27 January 2014

An opportunist. An asset. An idealist.

In order for you to attain victory in the path of Allah, you need three things:
1) Faith in Allah
2) Systematic plans and organization
3) Istiqamah (perseverance)
-Hasan Al-Banna

Faith in Allah means that whatever the result is, how things will spin around and stress the world out of you, in the end you will say "Yes! Yes! Everything is happening according to Allah's plan. Muahahaha i am where Allah wants me to be *evil laugh* >:D hehe so take opportunity in everything that life serves you. When life gives you lemon, you make lemonade. That is how a muslim should act! Well i know sometimes we screwed up so much and brag endlessly about life, but the important thing is that find your center quickly and regain your focus. No worries, Allah will help you. Just hope for the best and ready for the worst.

Saidina Ali, may blessings of Allah be upon him once said that "if you fight unsystematically for the sake of Allah while your enemy fight you systematically, surely you will lose." The help of Allah and the ultimate victory will never be yours until you are united by your differences. We are created to compliment each other. If you cant do the task alone, if you cant find that value of x and y in your homework, do not afraid to ask :D Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly -As Saff 4

Being istiqamah means that you will grow stronger as the challange gets greater. So that means, looking back and run away is not a choice except if it brings a more fruitful advantage. And it also means a constant quality control. Your performance must always be at tip top condition :-) If you want to get that A, go and get it! Get that A! Get that first place in that competition if you think that it can improve your life and others. Do the best and be the best that you can. Because after all, you are where Allah wants you to be.

You are an asset of Allah! You are here on a mission. A lifetime mission to survive this world while bringing the message of Islam. Stick and stones may break your bones, but Allah says that it will all be worth it. Probably you are the only glimpse of Islam that someone will see in their life. So make it cool and stylish B-) Islam has provides you ALL of the content that you need. So use your skills, talents and knowledge to beautify it. 

Think of the opportunity and advantages of everything that Allah has sent down to you. Be the people of intellect and be clear of the fact that Allah is in control. He is the Master, and His Knowledge encompasses everything! You are sufficient to bear your own burden. And remember, you are the asset of Allah and you are here for a mission. Never forget that mission.

Izzat Haikal bin Abdullah Halim

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