Friday, 3 January 2014

I met an old man today

Do read my previous entry first. This article and the previous one may differ from your opinion. But i just want to share mine. Maybe i will be the voice you are shy to be.

In the environment on which i was raised, i have seen the destruction that the gift of freedom has brought. The freedom of thinking leads to blindness towards the truth and the false. The freedom of human rights lead to immoralities that keeps on spreading every single day. Who will put a stop to this? :(

While i was standing there hearing the speech at the mosque, there was an old man who just came by and stood beside me with a cigarette lighted up. He said to me, "ni pasal nak gulingkan kerajaan ke?" I replied, "tak, ni pasal nak bantah sistem demokrasi. Dia nak tegakkan khalifah Islam. So takda parti politik, takda pilihan raya" And then he laughed a bit and said "hmmm, tak payahlah semua ni." I was stunned because he is a muslim and he is blind regarding the history of Islam. This religion is our rope and hope that we hold on to when we have nothing. When we are out of food, and scared in the middle of a jungle, we prayed to Our Lord with sincerity. After the Almighty has sufficed us with our nose to breathe, the oxygen to be inhaled, the systems that made up our body, waters to drink and quench our thirsts, all he can be thankful to is the government? But God made life possible! God made YOU possible.

He has a bigger concern of his patriotism compared to the religion of his Lord. And i thought we prayed 5 times a day to keep reminding us who is in control of this lowly world and everything in it and far beyond it. The Caliphate was in this world for more than a thousand years up until the year 1922 (i think) when the traitor, Kamal Antarturk sold this religion for the benefit of himself and those who supported him. And now his body is not accepted by the earth. Verily, it is obligatory to have this system fully operated and this desicion is the desicion of the concensus of the ulama'. When our beloved Prophet died, there were a few hours before they appointed Saidina Abu Bakar to be the First Caliph. Some ulama' intepreted this by saying it is not obligatory of the Caliphate system because of the few hours of leaderless. But many of the ulama' intepreted is as it is obligatory to have the Caliphate but a few hours or period of time to unite the hearts of the muslims is acceptable.

Back to the story. "Dulu pakcik antara orang yang pertama bantu naikkan Malaysia ni. Masa zaman komunis, 13 Mei semua dulu pakcik dah ada jawatan dah. Pakcik dah berjuang dulu. Tak payahlah dik semua ni. Orang muda sekarang semua kerajaan salah. Semua nak bantah. Diorang tak tau berapa banyak kerajaan dah berkorban dulu. Malaysia dah makmur sekarang. Nak apa lagi? Apa lagi yang tak cukup?" And then he paused for a while and continued, "ha apa pendirian adik?" 

"Saya cuma nak apa yang terbaik untuk generasi selepas saya je. Saya taknak lagi pergaduhan antara dua pihak yang besar ni," i spontaneously replied. "Hmmm, tak payahlah dik, orang sekarang cerdik pandai tapi bukan pandai sangat pun. Penat dulu kami berjuang untuk negara. Orang sekarang ni semua tak kena." And i just stood silence, smiled and nodded.

I appreciate his past efforts. Indeed he is a very patriotic man. But am i a bad person if i disagree with him and everyone who has the same way of thinking and i chose to have my own opinion? Yes, i dont understand what he has been through in his past. I dont understand his fight and struggle. But that doesnt mean that i dont appreciate this peace and harmony we have. Am i a bad person if i dont care about my race? The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that "the Arabs are not better than the non Arabs. And the non Arabs are not better than the Arabs. No white man is better than a black man nor a black man is better than a white man. Except in faith in Allah."

So can i be blind about my skin colour solely for my religion? To extinguish hatred, intolerence and every disease be it racism, sexism, social misconducts, and every single problem on the face of this planet. Supporting my religion does not means that i am a supporter of a political party or anything. Those who are right stays right regardless how bad they are and vice versa. If this cause of mine promotes a particle of hatred, oppression, violence and injustice, then there will be no reason to fight for it. I know that there are only two general reasons why people will against something. One is the injustice and oppression that a party brings. Another one is misunderstanding and lack of knowledge regarding the message. So i hope that i am crystal clear with my writing.

A loving environment who cries and prays to God, be kind to His people and be colour blind regarding the colour of our skin. Everywhere there are smiles and love and cleanliness and beautiful speech. I may be crazy to dream of any of this but if everybody take part in it, if everybody guards and be the master of their own tongue, we will start to see a better tomorrow :)

You know, tongue is a very tricky muscle. Its like it has a mind of his own. It sometimes spills out something bad spontaneously, and causes mistakes on your speech. It is tireless, boneless and it helps our vocal cord to make sense the sounds that we are making. Whosoever can have the mastery over this organ, and ones anger and ones emotion and ones private parts and modesty will be a great person.

May love and peace be in the air. Be silent when we are angry. Be a good example to the youngsters. "Not from my Ummah, (community) the old ones who do not love the young ones and the young ones who do not respect the old ones," said our Prophet peace be upon him. Treat people the way we want to be treated. And be amazed as you witness the change in your life.

Sincerely, out of love :)

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