Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Glad tidings to you!

It is a brilliant sight indeed. Full of wonders. His eyes are like rubies. His smile is perfection. White teeth and handsome face, indeed a very gorgeous man is standing before me, staring humbly to the ground while a smile magnificently carved on his face. His body is slender with a little tinch of toughness beautified with a pearly white cloak, a pair of leather sandals and hypnotizing fragrance, unforgettable.
"Assalamualaikum," he greets me. "I have been expecting you for months."
Waalaikumussalam. Do i know you from somewhere? Have we met before?
A short pause, and then it is the cheeky smile again. A smile followed by repeated head movements indicating a no.
I am clearly confused. Imagine for a moment. 
Under the spectacular sight of the full moon and the brilliant constellation swarming the heaven so divinely, stands a humble young man before you and greets you with a lovely voice and melodious tone. I am not scared however. He seems like a good young man to me. It is just that i am deadly puzzled.
"Tell me about Islam in the world today." A short question with a firm voice.
I am not sure how to answer that, but it seems like we are slowly reconstructing on one part but deconstructing on another. Morals, tolerance and righteous words are lost through time, but somehow Islam is spreading regardless of this vast hecticness. Many people understand Islam in a very weird way. We are supposed to be the people with the highest morality and awesome character, proud yet humble and kind, but unfortunately we are not. Some of us including me sometimes prevent this dream to become a reality.
"So what is the cause then?" 
If i were to assume the root of this madness, i would probably point out the fact that most of us failed to pay attention to details, or the small things in life that make up the total sum of the world. Every word spoken, every inch of skin exposed, every ego blasted and every action we do should be taken into account in order to improve ourself. We cannot change if we do not know what to change. Change needs patience and knowledge.
"So what do you want to do now?"
Inside my head rings the quote of Mahatma Gandhi, the peace fighter of India dated back in the era of British colonialism. Be the change you want to see in this world, Gandhi said.
That is a piece of beautiful advice but nobody seems to care about it.
So i tell him that i started small. I improve myself, my habit and my consciousness in order to radiate a better me. I become a little more conscious day after day of cleanliness, tidiness, my clothes and what i spill out to others . I try to become selfless from time to time, putting others before myself. 
"Can you be a little more specific on how you improve what you want to improve?" he asked.
Well, i try to isolate myself from others quite frequently, thinking of the hollowness and rooms to improve in my life. By being alone with my mind and my body, i can rationalize my thinking and become sincere to myself. I know my own weaknesses so i need to scrape it out of my life. This life is a series of endless battles revolving around the means of self improvement. A powerful Verse in the Holy Quran sums up the whole purpose of this life, along with the trials and tribulations it serve.

Say (O Muhammad): "I am only a human being like yourselves; it has been revealed to me that your deity is God Alone. Anyone who is expecting to meet his Lord should act honorably and not associate anyone in the worship due his Lord."
Holy Quran 18:110
Indeed this is among the Verses, unmatched. 
As i said earlier, the small things and habits that we have equates to the total sum of  the outcome of our life. Two highly devoted angels are currently writing a biography about me. A highly detailed document of everything that i do. But i dictate the title and the content of the book because i am in control of my path. Although i am scared of the outcome, but i know God is the Most Merciful. Like seriously, only a blind heart will not see His Majestic Knowledge. How can they learn science so complex but they cannot comprehend the idea of this universe and every life form has a Maker, an Inventor that we should be proud of and be thankful of. Only Him, we should praise and worship. An ideal Maker, the Master and Owner of everything.
"Indeed." He replies, short and then continue. "Many muslims knows the teachings of Islam, but only a few truly follows. Explain your idea if you love to."
Well, my idea is simple. It is widely true because they understand religion as a big and heavy thing to swallow. It is about supernaturalism and strict rules, like the guards of Hell strictly watching them from above. But that is not how i view it. I view Islam as an amazing way to live. An ideology so beautiful, it is as if that a perfect example of mankind stands before you and guides you how to behave.
Islam is like your close companion figuratively beside you right now. An imaginary friend that teaches you awesome stuffs in life. Islam is a very handsome young man or a beautiful devoted woman; a source of great wisdom and wonderful teachings. Islam accompanies you everywhere. 
When you are sad, he comforts you. 
When you go to the toilet, he does not peek but rather gives you advice to do it the right way. 
When you go to work, he teaches you about ettiquette and respect. 
When you say bad stuffs, he will be like, "no, no, no, my friend. You should not say that. Say something nice. Make others happy and comfortable with you. Smile like you imagine me smiling." 
Just picture the most wonderful person with the best of manners accompanies you every single moment. He is Islam, manifested. That is why i love to be alone. Islam teaches me peace and tranquility. He draws me nearer to my Creator. He loves me and he wants to guide me. 
Maybe if i were to imagine Islam in real life, i will manifest him in appearance just like you, o stranger! 
I giggle a little but it is a sincere statement. How can i not be serious. Handsome face with black hair, humble and lovely. Pure manifestation of wisdom and intellect. You are very wonderful, you know?
But the thing is, i do not know your name. I do not know where you come from and it seems like suddenly you just appeared out of nowhere. You left me stunned and amazed by your appearance and you asked me questions that who knows you have better answers. I just want to know who you are. 

A short pause as i unpatiently waiting for a response.

Are you my manifestation of Islam? How's that even possible? Have i gone crazy?

The breeze of the night cripples on my skin. Blood circulates my body at a greater speed. Tension rising. With a cool smile and sophisticated eyes, he raises his head and his shining eyes pierce straight through my retinas. An eye contact for the first time!
It stuns me in a million ways. My body freezes and the hairs on my hand erect orchastrally. What is this feeling? Dazed i am.

"My friend," he tries to comfort me with his lovely hypnotic voice. "Your time, your journey has come to an end. It's time for you to leave everything behind now. I am your good deeds and i am here to bring you a glad tidings of Paradise. I want to thank you for beautifying me all your life. Your time in this world is well spent and the Most Merciful is pleased with you. Although your life is short but you have spent it very greatly. You are generous to the needy, you spent quality time alone with God and you have uttered from your mouth only love, repentance and remembrance of Allah throughout your life. And you have followed the teachings of Islam whole heartedly. So glad tidings are to you, o believer! Indeed Allah has forgave your sins for you have never associated Him with any other deity."
I am trembling with fear as before me stands a man with pearl of tears coming down his eyes as he approaches me, spreading his arm trying to hug me. His fragrance fills the surrounding air. Lovely. How can i forget the smell. 
The warmth of his hug turns cold as i feel my soul leaving my body. I will die in his arms. The feeling is just plainly undescribable. No words can do justice to express this sentimental moment.
"Proclaim the testimony of faith, o servant of Allah!" He commands me in hurry. Maybe he too feels my ice cold body, paralyzed and frozen legs. My warmth is gone. My pulse is weakening. I am dying. O my God, i am dying and my age barely reaches 30. But it is a great experience altogether to feel alive for that span of time. 
Today is the day that i will depart to a new world, a new beginning. Thank you Allah for this extraordinary experience. What a good life it is. My life is complete.

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