Saturday, 8 March 2014

Ultraman is... Haram?


In Islam, a judge cannot pass down a judgement when they are hungry, full, angry, sleepy, stress, in a marital turbulance or any sort of unhealthy mental state since all of these can lead to irrational thinking process and thus, disturbing the rightly outcome. So i will try to be in a healthy state of mind for this post since the issue that i want to discuss about seems to be a big deal for some.

In this post, i choose not to condemn anyone since i do not have complete knowledge of both of these things. Islam and Ultraman. Haha but maybe, just maybe, i can give a fruitful thought about this. 

If i am but correct, the issue seems to linger around a Malay translation of the comic Ultraman the Ultra Power which openly referring to one of the character's attribution as Allah or in English, God. 

To avoid such paranoia and immaturity that somehow has been deeply embedded into the society, i will try to position myself as a free agent on which i evaluate both sides of the critics. By a free agent i mean i am not bias. However, bare in your mind that i too have only a little knowledge regarding Islam. But from what i know, calmness and right understanding of necessary knowledge is the key to rational thinking and right decision making.

So before i start, i want the audience to understand who Allah is to us, the muslims. He is the One free of need, the Inventor, the Creator of everything in the Heavens and the Earth. He does not have a beginning nor an ending. He is Unique and there is nothing like Him. We cannot see Him yet so as for now, He "communicated" with us through revelations. He gave us guidance on how to live, to love but not many truly, truly follow. Including me. Simply put, this life is a series of tests to us, a test of belief, fate acceptance, how we behave and how we react to each fate subjected to us while remain our composure and faith in Him and His Supreme Wisdom and Intellect. We expect to see Him, for some moment after we die. So if we spend our life doing good things and remember Him with great remembrance, then we have aced the test. Well, that is life, in a nutshell, in Islam.

So that is Allah and a little about life. He created oxygen, so He does not need to breath. He created the Sun, so He does not need it also. He designed our brain, so we cannot even begin to compare us with Him. He created any form of organism or sustanance, so He does not need it in any form of imaginable or unimaginable way. But we need Him for uncountable amount of reasons. He is the Source of Wisdom and Knowledge. We cannot know everything that He knows. In Islam, we know the reason why we are created, but We do not know (yet?) why He created us. But such little knowledge is sufficient for us to know what is the purpose of our life and creation.

Okay, back to the main issue of this post. Yes, it is true that we cannot refer anything as Allah except for Allah Himself with His rightly, Godly attributes. So how to know the true nature of Allah? In Islam, we must learn so. This is an ancient knowledge preserved since the beginning of human kind. So without such knowledge we have all the tendency in this world to refer to any other persona as Allah besides Allah, the One. And that is forbidden rather sparking dangerous implications since this huge matter is as if we are creating a lie about the Almighty God. So as a muslim, it is one of our duty to this world to tell people about Allah and with rationality, discuss with people about the catastrophy it brings when we make contradictory claims that lead to false understanding of the true nature of Allah. Let me give you a few examples:

1) A non muslim says that Allah is my God. There is nothing like Him. He has no beginning nor an ending. He is not born or give birth. He is indeed the All Powerful. 
2) A muslim says that Allah does not know everything. 

Indeed, for clear reasons, we have no problem with premise 1, but have a problem with premise 2 regardless of who they are. Claiming you are muslim, means that you follow the path to get closer to the Creator, to Allah. It does not means that you become instantly a perfect man, with perfect morality, wisdom and knowldege.

In Islam, it is a sin to make fun of other's religion. So there is no use of killing or burn their religious book as that is a bigger sin. If Islam teaches even a pinch of unreasonable violence and immorality, then i am not scared to leave it. But no. I see the reality of the world today. Through the eye and mind of a muslim, i see too many false doings in the name of Islam. Openly rather sincerely, i apologize for that.

As for this matter, here is how i think this case is supposed to be dealt. The prohibition of the whole series of that Ultraman comic book seems to be irrelavant. Firstly because the word "Allah" used maybe due to the product of an accident. Secondly, somehow it shows intolerancy of the Muslim community where we take this in a very extreme and strict way. Thirdly, it pushes away people from knowing the true nature of Islam.

So my suggestion is that giving them the time to reprint an edited version of the comic is better than prohibit the whole series. This means that what is considered "haram" in Islam is the first version of the comic whereby there is misuse of the word Allah in some of the content. And then we have no problem with the edited version :) 

Finally, maybe my words are not loud enough to spark a change in this huge world. So i just want to use this room to have a little responsiblity to respond to my friends with something that is on my mind to ease and untangle the burden, confusion and entanglement in yours. Do leave a comment or PM if you have any discomfort with my idea. I dont give fatwa, this is just my opinion on how we supposed to deal with this matter as a rational muslim.

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