I have an an idea and i want you to falsify this! This is about Islam and those who associates it with terrorism and violence. Okay, let us put it into perspective. Blaming Islam for the behavior of a few muslims is like blaming Mercedez Benz for the behavior of some reckless drivers. Haha okay, first step, let us have it your way. Assume the terrorists are muslim even though i highly doubt it :O And the terrorists claim that they are the real jihadists fighting in the name of Islam and Jihad, or the Arabic word for struggle. But as a muslim, i find this a bit strange you know. Many of the muslims in this world are very dedicated muslims. They will follow many commands in Islam. If crushing you with a plane or execute suicide bombings are among the commands, then you will not find a few planes flying to you. But rather you will find thousands and thousands of planes crushing you overnight. And all of you and all of us will be killed in that massive massacre. But this never happen right? Go and try to Google or search on Youtube these names, Sheikh Sajid Umar, Sheikh Daood Butt, Sheikh Assim al Hakeem or Mufti Menk. These are among the very knowledgable scholars in Islamic teachings. Please hear their message and watch their lectures. Find the real interpretation of the Quran. Indeed Islam teaches and invites people towards love, unity, seeking knowledge and taking care of the unfortunates. If your claim is Islam teaches terrorism and violence, then these are the people who will be the first one to crush you with bombs and planes. And not just them, they will be followed by a billion of muslims after that. But i say again, this never happens and will never happen :) yet, you claim that we are dangerous and a threat to you.
I do not want to blame the States but you guys have the most complex weapon on earth, spend half of your government spending for military developments, but you still called some bunch of small group of terrorists invented by yourself a threat to you? You have sent your army to Iraq and made Iraq your battlefield. You are not against the whole country of Iraq but you have destroyed the nation totally and caused a death toll of 405 000 innocent Iraqi civilians. Well after all of that, you dont expect the muslim to be outraged with you? And you will use the exact same formula. Everytime the muslim becomes very mad of your doings, and we dont reach to the same terms, you will call us extremists. And if anything happens, blame it on the muslim! They are the cause of war. They promote violence and terrorism. They are promoting the Sharia. But the States is fighting for a good cause! We are the hero, we are your savior! We must kill the Iraqi civilians including the babies because they are potential threats! They may have weapons of mass destruction which was never found. You should be ashamed of yourself! I am speaking geniunely as an observer of your injustice. What a terrible thing war has brought :'(
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